Monday, March 19, 2007

Quick Note

Hello all,
Had a fun time in Paris this weekend, will update about it in a day or two. Basically a fast-paced trip in which we crammed a lot of good stuff into a small amount of time. I really enjoyed!

Parentals: About Spring Break
Cinque Terre sounds good to me. We can do the South of France, too. I'm not really sure what, we might just take Rick's advice. Cannes is a one day place for sure, Monaco I think is one to pass up, Eze is cool, but only worthy of a couple of hours Aix might be worth a go. I don't know what you're really into either, we could also do more of Italy or Northern France. It will be chillier in Northern france though.

Also, we've had a bit of a cold spell, so if I were packing, I'd bring a little warmer weather stuff just in case. It is still a bit early for that though, so it may change.


Teresa said...

We'll put together an itinerary and get it to you. We are sitting in Vegas waiting for a flight home. We spent the weekend in Winnipeg. You are not hte only one who gets around.
We'll look forward to hearing more about Paris soon.

marlene said...

you thought Paris was cold! You're parents vacationed with us in Winterpeg for Perry's 50th. It was so great to have them here.
Hope you continue to have a marvelous time. Enjoy.
Aunt Marlene