Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just Got a Hold of These...

mmmhhmmm, got these from the Ocean's junket

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Super Exciting

Yesterday I saw (close up): George, Brad, and Matt. I don't think I need to give you last names either for you to figure out who I mean. Let's just say they're in a movie called Ocean's was really freakin' cool.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Petit Pause

So far the festival has been relly interesting and definitely eye-opening. It gives me a new perspective on the way this industry is and I think that having lived in France before has affected the way that I view the importance of it all. More on that later...back to work.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Celebrity Sightings

So far I have seen a couple of celebrities here at the festival: Toni Collette (a la sixth sense, little miss sunshine), Jude Law (from from away) and Jake Gylenhaal (from very close up). Pretty cool. Must go, more details later.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Super News

I had my internship again today and not much exciting happened in terms of stuff accomplished. I did however get some very exciting news about what i will be doing. We received our badges and each badge has the name of either CNN, Prime Cut, or Entertainment Tonight. I was one of the two people who got the Entertainment Tonight badge and found out that I will be working directly with the Producer of Entertainment Tonight. Basically I got the best of the best in terms of the Chapman students and essentially will be having the most amazing opportunity. I'll start work with the Producer on Saturday (She's a woman, too--how cool!) and apparently students in the past havee gotten very involved so I should learn a lot.

PS. Happy Mother's Day yesterday to my momma, here's the only pic I have right now:

(We're a bit over exposed! But that's Disneyland in the background!)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Mougin and Grasse

Our classes consist of two parts. The first have of the class we work on grammar and the second half we have discussion to practice speaking. A big topics for us is the difference between French and American culture; generally Giselle (my prof) feels that the biggest difference is about the way we view life. Americans (and Anglo-Saxon cultures) have a strong desire to be efficient and useful, whereas the French much prefer to enjoy the petits plaisirs of life. So, after the pause in our class, Giselle suggested that we go on a little field trip to relax and life like the francaises. So we hopped in Giselle's car and she took us to Mougin for the day and bought us a coffee. It was one of those spur of the moment decisions and it ended up being incredible. The town is one of the cutest little villages I have seen and just sitting and relaxing was so very nice.

When we got back, we went to Grasse, where we took a tour of the Fragonard perfume museum and factory. It was interesting, but I didn't find anything that I really wanted.


I may possibly be in the midst of one of the best days yet. Let's just say, I had a field trip and it was awesome....more on that later. I'm off to Grasse (perfume capital of the world) in a few.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Quelques photos

Me, Emily and StephanieAngela, Phillipe and myself at our CEO themed party.

My Stage (my Internship)

Got some news about my internship the other day. Apparently the company I am interning for (Prime Cut Productions) will be working with E! Entertainment, Entertainment Tonight, CNN, and AMC this year. Sounds pretty freakin' awesome. Also, we had to vote on one person to be the leader of the group (there are 7 Chapman kids) and the secret ballot brought me out on top... so I guess I'll do that too. Not a lot of info yet, but I think I may be a walking zombie form lack of sleep for the festival. Good times.


Dearest Heather,
Since I have already gone through two digital cameras this year, I feel that it may be a sign that I'm not mature enough to have pictures up. That is why there are no pictures. That being said, I'll see what I can do.

Monday, May 7, 2007

And the Results are In!

The big presidential elections were last night and it's official: Nicholas Sarkozy will be the next president of the Fifth Republic. It's very strange the way election day in France is, because it is all the same time zone, the French know immediately who the President wil be. It's kind of like New Years's Eve, in fact, where there is a timer counting down until the polls close. Literally. So there is a countdown from fifteen and at the time the polls close, the face of the winner is put up on the screen--very dramatic.
It was mostly Americans who were watching the results (can we get a leetle credit for digging Democracy?) and when the results came in we booed. Not exactly supporters of Sarko are we? lol. Oh well. I guess only time can tell how it's gonna work out. The only thing we can do know is to do our part for voting and capaigning in our country--it's going to be a big one this time around. Hopefully a good candidate will be found)

Friday, May 4, 2007


Hi everyone. Sorry for the delays in posting, as usual, life is always happening at the collège and I have difficulty getting to a computer. The big news here is that it is COLD. It's been rainy and ugly out and no one knows what to do with themselves. We all thought the summer had come, so we're all here chattering away.

The French Presidential elections are on Sunday and there is an air of anticiptation amongst les françaises and les étudiants. There was an almost three hour debate the other day, of which I watched about an hour. In case you don't know, the two candidates are Ségolène Royal on the left and Nicholas Sarkozy on the right. The polls are showing that Sarkozy will likely win, although the general opinion at the collège is in favor of Sègolène (I guess that's just the type of crowd you draw to a female dominated, international language school). I'm really excited to see the results, I realized today that I know more about the French elections than the US elections, which is actually kind of cool. I want to watch the debates that just happened in the US, but I haven't gotten a chance to yet.

In other news, I bought my ticket to go to Scotland after the end of the program. I have decided to go backpacking with my two friends Emily and Emily and we are going to start by going to Scotland to stay at Emily's house for the week. Super cool. It will be nice to be able to stay somewhere without having to pay and also, just enjoy being at home. Although there is nothing quite like dorm-life fun, you have to admit that there is something awesome about not having to walk down the hall to the toilette. :/ After that, we are going to Amsterdam to visit our friend Josie, Northern France, Antwerp, Basque Country, and then either Berlin or Switzerland (Our friend here at the collège, Cyrril is from Luzerne). I can't believe it's going to be so soon. Where did the time go?