Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Amsterdam, Antwerp and Normandy

Sorry to keep you all wauiting with baited breath :) Living out of a backpack tends to get a bit hectic, and on the off chance that I get to be on the computer, I'm generally tired and not in the mood to type.
Amsteradm was a cool, very different city. I find that I'm impressed by the way the Dutch have decided to handle the less desirable parts of life with a radical way of putting it out into the open. I don't know If I would want it for my own country, though. Our hostel was pretty cool and in the Red Light District. Don't worry mom and dad, there weren't any prostitutes hanging out the window on my stree :) It was actually a good place to be located-we were near the station and also in a big hub of an area. The weather hindered our ability to do a whole lot, and the streets are the most confusing city I think I've ever been in. We did get to go to the Van Gogh museum, which was cool considering Monaco and I just finished our Art History class. We not only knew who the painters Van Gogh was influenced by, but we could tell by looking at them who they were! cool! We also got to see our friend Josie two nights in a row. She lives in Haarlem, which is in the suburbs of the city, so it's a bit of a trek for her to come out. We went to a comedy show that she suggested and just generally had a good time catching up with her.

After Amsterdam, we got on a train to Antwerp. It's not far at all to Belgium, about two hours ride. Antwerp is a beautful city that is quaint and nice to walk around in. The main attraction is Ruben's house, which is the home of the famous artist. We took that tour, which was interesting to get insight on the type of person that he was and how his travels influenced what he had in his home. Much of the style was Italian Renaissance, to which he took a particular liking. I also made sure to eat a Belgian waffle and fries, both of wich were delicious. Our hostel was very interesting as well. The people that owned it were quite bizarre, but incredibly generous people who loved people and nature. It was sort of an old house that had been converted into a hostel.

...someone needs the computer, so must get off.

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