Hi everyone. Sorry for the delays in posting, as usual, life is always happening at the collège and I have difficulty getting to a computer. The big news here is that it is COLD. It's been rainy and ugly out and no one knows what to do with themselves. We all thought the summer had come, so we're all here chattering away.
The French Presidential elections are on Sunday and there is an air of anticiptation amongst les françaises and les étudiants. There was an almost three hour debate the other day, of which I watched about an hour. In case you don't know, the two candidates are Ségolène Royal on the left and Nicholas Sarkozy on the right. The polls are showing that Sarkozy will likely win, although the general opinion at the collège is in favor of Sègolène (I guess that's just the type of crowd you draw to a female dominated, international language school). I'm really excited to see the results, I realized today that I know more about the French elections than the US elections, which is actually kind of cool. I want to watch the debates that just happened in the US, but I haven't gotten a chance to yet.
In other news, I bought my ticket to go to Scotland after the end of the program. I have decided to go backpacking with my two friends Emily and Emily and we are going to start by going to Scotland to stay at Emily's house for the week. Super cool. It will be nice to be able to stay somewhere without having to pay and also, just enjoy being at home. Although there is nothing quite like dorm-life fun, you have to admit that there is something awesome about not having to walk down the hall to the toilette. :/ After that, we are going to Amsterdam to visit our friend Josie, Northern France, Antwerp, Basque Country, and then either Berlin or Switzerland (Our friend here at the collège, Cyrril is from Luzerne). I can't believe it's going to be so soon. Where did the time go?