Thursday, May 24, 2007

Super Exciting

Yesterday I saw (close up): George, Brad, and Matt. I don't think I need to give you last names either for you to figure out who I mean. Let's just say they're in a movie called Ocean's was really freakin' cool.


Teresa said...

Too Cool! Dad and I have been Tivo-ing Entertainment Tonight everyday and saw the boys were in Cannes yesterday. I'm excited that you are getting some up close looks.
How long are your work days? Are you getting to do anything worthwhile? Are you speaking French?

marlene said...

I love George. Tell him Canadian women think he's HOT!
Are you managing to keep a scrapbook of all that is transpiring, or is it forever imbedded in your mind and heart?
Wish you thrills and happiness.
Love Aunt Marlene