I had my internship again today and not much exciting happened in terms of stuff accomplished. I did however get some very exciting news about what i will be doing. We received our badges and each badge has the name of either CNN, Prime Cut, or Entertainment Tonight. I was one of the two people who got the Entertainment Tonight badge and found out that I will be working directly with the Producer of Entertainment Tonight. Basically I got the best of the best in terms of the Chapman students and essentially will be having the most amazing opportunity. I'll start work with the Producer on Saturday (She's a woman, too--how cool!) and apparently students in the past havee gotten very involved so I should learn a lot.
PS. Happy Mother's Day yesterday to my momma, here's the only pic I have right now:

(We're a bit over exposed! But that's Disneyland in the background!)
Hi Katie, congratulations on being the cream of the crop. Knew you could be all you dreamed to be! I want to be you in my next life too, (with your mom and Aunt Zana). What a team we would make!
Love Aunt Marlene
Congratulations! Of course ET wants to work with you, who wouldn't? It sounds like a wonderful opportunity. I'm sure you'll show her your best.
Love the photo. That was a great day in Disneyland. We'll have to do it again.
Thanks for the wonderful Mother's Day gift. Christopher said he signed the card for you and Brandon since you were both away. I love the wine book, wines from around the world(Katy S and I tried out California last night) and the classical guitar cd of Bach music. What thoughtful choices. I just have the best kids. Love You, Mom
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