So I'm here at the collège and it's really nice. I didn't realize that it is a language school for foreigners, so everyone' common language is (or soon will be) French. This also means that the whole point of the school is to improve your French language skills, so everything is conducted en français. I had my language test yesterday and did fairly well. We are doing review today in our class and I got a little homework. All the profs are French and mine is no exception. She is very chic and speaks all in french, but slow enough so we can understand her quite well.
I have met a few people who are really cool: Jo (short for Josephine) from Holland, Andrew from Ecuador, Johnny from England and Emily from Scotland. They are all very cool and quite well travelled (no surprise there).
Right now I'm sitting in the "Cyberdrome" which is like an internet café at the school. En fait, I am sitting next to Preston and Emily, two of the people from my program who are from SoCal (Chappy) and New York (University of Toronto), respectively. There will be free internet access at the Mediatheque down the street which I'm sure I will start using once we get our cards and go there on Thursday.
1 comment:
Talk about a target rich enviornment; There are 25 girls for two guys?! Wow!
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