Thursday, February 1, 2007

I Made it!

Hi everyone! I am currently in an internet cafe in South Kensington! It's hard to believe that I'm still going at this point and that I'm finally here.

I feel like I have been going so long and so much stuff has happened that I can't fit it all here. But I guess I will try. So, my flight from Sac to Phoenix was delayed, which caused me to have to run from my terminal to catch my flight. I made it and ended up sitting between two guys who had been at a conference in Las Vegas and were heading home to NY. They were perfectly pleasant, but as you can imagine, it was still tight and uncomfortable. Oh well, I made it. So, I got to JFK and claimed my baggage, went to BA and got my tickets with American figure out. As I was doing this, I spotted a girl on my program (I saw her baggage tag) and met my first friend of the trip: Kelly. She is from Utah (not mormon) and is loud, but seems pretty cool. When we got to the terminal, we saw that there were several other people from the program waiting (a couple were from Chapman who I recognized) and we all decided to go have dinner in the airport. Everyone seems really laid back and cool and we enjoyed ourselves. Once we got on the plane, we got settled in for the long haul. My seat was better this time, but I never actually slept, which is kind of annoying, but pretty characteristic. Once we arrived, we were bused to the hotel, got settled (I'm rooming w a girl form Chapman who I know) and now are looking around/having lunch. The lunch portions are much smaller--like food for normal people! Anyway, must go. My time is running low and people are waiting for me. <3

1 comment:

Teresa said...

You made it! Hurray! Did the new friend have on a "I'm not a Mormon" t-shirt? Regardless, two of my perceived threats have been addressed with one post, portion sizes and religious zealots. xoxox