Thursday, February 22, 2007


We went to a play at the Palais de Festival the other night. The play was conducted entirely in French, and I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty hard to understand. But I got the gist and even laughed a couple of times, so all in all I think it was succesful. Just gotta keep listening to the stuff and speaking it as much as possible. We are going to another play in the beginning of March which is Danse (whoops, there's some random french spellings for ya) and music around the world. I think it will be easier to enjoy than a play that is 100% based on the dialogue (no set change, nothing visiual to help).

We are off to Florence tomorrow for the weekend and I think everyone is very excited! I can't believe we are already going on one of our excursions, time is just flying by so fast!

We had out second cooking class this week and it was delicieuse. I made crepes and now my hand is really tired form swirling the giant pan. I think it is going to be difficult not to get large and in charge here what with all the food, fortunately, we will be starting kickboxing at the college, taught by Elaina from Minnesota. Apparently she's makes the class really intense, so I'm excited. It is tonight in about45 minutes. yay.

I will try to download pictures, but it is really difficult with the computer access that I have available. Still, I want everyone to see where I live and who I'm with!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, theatre is soooo hard in French. I only saw one show, but it was an American show translated to French and a musical, so it wasn't too hard...I already knew what was happening, so it was like a kid who hasn't really learned to read, but has memorized the story.

I miss you and La France! Sounds like its a blast so far!

Anonymous said...

Oh that was Anna btdubs.